Film and Editing
I have been involved in a couple of film projects, one notably for a charity project for which I made a short documentary in 2017, and my second which was a two minute film for my GCSE in film studies
Rebel Wave - 2019
I created this graphic in photoshop, fully inteding to use it in the opening credits with a short animation with the cloud underneath and a 'blade shine' across.
However this concluded to be too much for the workload as I was concurrently revising for eight other subjects and doing the rest of the production.
Either way, the graphic remains a fun piece of promo
PROJECT/EXAM BRIEF: To create either a script or a short video whic portrays the genre conventions of either a teen film, action, sci-fi or romance.
I was the only student in my year group to undertake the challenge of producing, directing and editing a short film by myself, but to do so was one of the main draws of choosing the subject in the first place
The film setup was very basic and I had to improvise many elements such as sound and camera equipment (especially when I made my own dolly using a piece of foam and four very wobbly wheels)
I had manytechnichal snags such as sound equipment becoming corrupted or in the wrong place/ becoming visible in shots, completely unusable corrupted footage from camera B, but overall I am proud of what came out of my work.